
“The Rocket that Ignited Union Park” by Lori Vermas, Iowa Heritage Illustrated, Summer 2001.  While focused on the renovation of the equipment in Des Moines’ Union Park, this article also provides history and context to the Astro City playground equipment developed by Miracle Equipment Company.

Where it Stops Nobody Knows: The history of Miracle’s industry leadership“. This article from the companies 70th anniversary publication provides a brief overview of the history of the company.

The history of the Miracle Recreation Equipment Company from the online Play and Playground Encyclopedia.

A short biography of Claude Ahrens can be found on this page.

“Grinnell’s Entrepreneurial and Philanthropic Pioneer: A biography of Claude W. Ahrens”, by Judy Hunter, edited by Julie P. Gosselink. Published by the Claude W. and Dolly Ahrens Foundation of Grinnell, Iowa in 2009. This book is available at Drake Community Library.

See also the Founder’s Legacy page of the Ahrens Foundation website.